Health Guide India (English) - June 2024

26 Eat a balanced diet Give your body the proper nutrition it needs to work effectively. Poor diet contributes to a compromised immune system and hinders the body’s ability to ward off illness. Regular physical activity Working out each day for half an hour is recommended. Simple activities like walking, jogging or yoga can be done without any special equipment. Detox at regular intervals Regularly expelling the accumulated toxins will keep your body systems running properly. Drinking the recommended eight glasses of water a day is the easiest detoxification method. Get adequate sleep Getting less than adequate sleep on a regular basis can impair your senses and impacts the body to function negatively. Start getting a good night’s rest every night for at least six hours. Practice stress management Undue stress has physical effects on the body and practicing stress management works wonders for your well-being. I M M U N I T Y B O O S T Immune system disorders happen when it’s either over-active or under-active. In the case of an under-active immune system, the body has a reduced ability to fight diseases and becomes vulnerable to infections. Frequent infections including viral, fungal and bacterial infections, cold, chronic fever, allergic reactions, constant fatigue, tiredness, lethargy and chronic diarrhoea are some of the common symptoms of a weak immune system. Vestige offers a wide range of immunity boosting ayurvedic proprietary medicines that help build a strong immune system and supply the body with adequate nutrients. TO BOOST IMMUNITY 5 WAYS