Health Guide India (English) - June 2024

Protein is an essential intake for your everyday diet. Getting enough protein is vital for good health. Therefore, the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) for protein is 60 gram per day. However, researchers are continuously arguing over fixing a standard intake quantity. While one section of them is of the opinion that the RDI is correct, the other holds the view that protein intake should vary according to a person's age, health, physical state, daily activities, etc thus they advocate that protein should be taken according to each individual's bespoke requirement. The intake quantity of protein might differ but definitely, everybody needs optimum protein in their daily diet. Protein provides energy and supports mood and cognitive function in the human body. While protein is consumed by us every day in some or other format, due to several factors the adequate amount of it is not taken and hence it causes protein deficiency in our bodies. • It helps your immune system function properly, maintains heart health and respiratory system, and it speeds up the revival of energy after a workout. • It is vital for the growth and development for maintaining good health in the golden years of life. • It helps reduce the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. • It improves mood and boosts the resistance to stress, depression and anxiety. • It helps the body to maintain a healthy weight by curbing appetite, making you feel full longer, and fuelling you with extra energy for exercising and physical activities. WHY IS PROTEIN SIGNIFICANT? THE HEALTH BENEFITS OF PROTEIN 46 F I T N E S S & D I E T