Health Guide India (English) - June 2024

53 AGE RELATED CHANGES IN BONES AND JOINTS It can affect anyone regardless of their age, gender or race. • An inactive lifestyle causes bone wastage. • Menopause and hormonal changes in women triggers the loss of minerals in bone tissue. In men, the gradual decline in certain hormones leads to the later development of osteoporosis. • Bones lose calcium and other minerals with age. • Bones are cushioned by cartilage that lines the joints. A lubricating fluid inside the joint (synovial fluid) allows joints to move freely. • With age, joint movement becomes stiffer and less flexible because the lubricating fluid inside the joints decreases and the cartilage becomes thinner due to excessive wear and tear. • Ligaments also shorten and lose flexibility, making joints feel stiff. Many of these age-related changes in bones and joints are caused by lack of exercise. Movement of the joint helps keep the fluid moving. Nutritional supplements also help to relieve symptoms of arthritis, osteoporosis and the pain associated with it. In addition to supplements, intake of adequate milk, fruits and vegetables also promotes healthy bone formation. WHO IS AT RISK? Women are affected more than men. They usually develop osteoarthritis after the age of 40. Major causes of these bone and joint related conditions are hereditary factors, infections (bacterial and viral) and lack of joint fluid. With age, the structure of bone changes and results in loss of bone tissue, that weakens bones and increases the risk of fractures from a sudden bump or fall.