Health Guide India (English) - June 2024

As we age, the body's ability to produce glucosamine can decrease and this causes joint cartilage to lose its water holding capacity. The cartilage breaks and becomes less effective as a shock absorber, leading to joint stiffness. Supplementing the body's natural glucosamine production can help to repair and rebuild worn or damaged cartilage. As the condition of the joint cartilage improves, pain is reduced and mobility is increased. What is Glucosamine? • Glucosamine may be helpful in the building of new cartilage and the protection and maintenance of existing cartilage. • It is also known to stimulate synovial fluid production and assists in lubrication of joints. • It may help in the easing of pain and inflammation. BENEFITS OF ACTIVE INGREDIENTS GLUCOSAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE Chondroitin is a molecule that occurs naturally in the body. It is a major component of cartilage, the tough connective tissue that cushions the joints. Chondroitin helps to keep cartilage healthy by absorbing fluid (particularly water) into the connective tissue. It may also block enzymes that break down cartilage, and it provides the building blocks for the body to produce new cartilage. Glucosamine is often combined with Chondroitin, a molecule naturally present in cartilage, together they stimulate the creation of proteoglycans that lubricate and nourish joints. Chondroitin gives cartilage elasticity and is believed to prevent the destruction of cartilage by enzymes. Glucosamine and Chondroitin, combined together, are proven to act and help beneficially in case of osteoarthritis because of their ability to aid and repair the cartilage and prevent further damage. What is Chondroitin? VESTIGE GLUCOSAMINE* Glucosamine is the main building block for semi-fluids that lubricate the joints. Glucosamine is Glucosaminoglycan (GAG), a component of all human tissues, especially high in concentration in the cartilages. GAGs are a long chain of amino acids that are found in high concentration in sea shells. It is naturally synthesised by addition of an amino group to glucose, followed by acetylation. Its main contents are glucose, glutamine and sulphur. Glucosamine is an essential component for the body's synthesis of lubricants and shock absorbing mechanisms necessary to maintain and restore healthy joint performance. 56 Recommended Usage Level: Two tablets twice daily after meals. Warning: Consult your doctor in case you are pregnant, lactating or taking any medications J O I N T S & B O N E S H E A L T H