My Success Plan_July 2024

SUCCESS MY PLAN As per the TRA’s Brand Trust Report 2023-25.

W E L C O M E T O T H E V E S T I G E F A M I L Y Dear Distributor, Congratulations! You have chosen the right path of building an astounding career by opting for the oppor tunity provided by Vestige. We welcome you to the league of those people who have carved a niche for themselves in the world of entrepreneurship through direct selling. TheVestigeWorld Powered with zeal to grow, expand and distinguish itself in the Indian as well as international direct selling industry, Vestige has covered a successful journey since 2004, when the company 0 was founded. With a wide gamut of products and brands, Vestige provides 360 wellness coverage to people of all age groups and empowers them to live a qualitatively better life. Vestige has deep domain exper tise in research and development of highly effective health supplements, personal care products, colour cosmetic products, men's grooming range, home care products, etc. Vestige is an ISO 9001:2015 organisation; its manufacturing par tner is a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Halal cer tified company. Vestige is also bestowed with the Cer tificate of Excellence in Productivity, Quality, Innovation and Management by the Institute of Economic Studies (IES).Vestige is a member of the prestigious Health Foods and Dietary Supplements Association (HADSA), and it is proudly associated with the most admired industry and commerce body of India, FICCI. By pursuing a career as an independent distributor of Vestige, you are actually shaping your own destiny and building a rock solid foundation for a successful and independent future, which you can achieve through your perseverance and hard work. The more you strive to achieve higher levels of success within the Vestige system, the more you will inspire people and turn into a beacon that others will look up for guidance and leadership. We at Vestige just don't provide you with another source of livelihood, we enable you to earn respect and be an inspiring leader for others to follow as well. Gautam Bali In your success lies our success. The testimony of Vestige's success lies in the fact that every year the company is growing by leaps and bounds and paving way for numerous people to achieve success by spreadingWellth. Armed with a widespread network of branch offices, ware houses, international office, District Level Contact Points (DLCP), Mini DLCPs, Distributor Consulting Centres (DCC), and a dedicated customer-centric manpower, Vestige is striving to provide the best quality products and exceptional services to you and millions of other distributors every day. Through a well-crafted education system that empowers people to go all-out towards success,Vestige relentlessly trains distributors like you by conducting thousands of training sessions throughout the year. In the following pages of this Success Plan, we will elaborate the unique and robust career growth plan that Vestige offers. The promises made by Vestige are realistic and are achievable if you industriously work towards creating strong bonds and relationships, and if you empower others to achieve success by following the system religiously. The core values of Vestige are Respect, Honesty, Passion, Growth, Freedom and Happiness. These core values combined with your passion for success, positive attitude and perseverance will form a formidable par tnership. This par tnership will enable us to reach new heights of success together. 01 Founder and Managing Director Gautam Bali

Providing you with a wellcrafted platform to achieve success and build up your enterprise by spreadingWellth. T E A M V E S T I G E 02 Kanwar Bir Singh - Director - Powered by a rich experience in managing IT solutions for the direct selling industry for years, Kanwar Bir Singh is instrumental in integrating tailored information technology solutions with the complex business processes and bringing for th great transformations through digital empowerment. Gautam Bali - Managing Director - After playing key roles in various direct selling companies as CEO and advisor for decades, Mr Bali laid the foundation stone of Vestige, which he is successfully leading as a helmsman with his unmatched domain exper tise and business acumen. Under his visionary leadership, Vestige is growing at a phenomenal rate every year and has become one of the top direct selling companies of India. Vestige, which was awarded as the “Most Admired Brands & Leaders – Asia”, is steered by these magnificent and visionary business leaders of the direct selling industry. With a firm focus on our mission to become a leading direct selling organisation that empowers our distributors to live a better quality life infused with wellness and prosperity, Vestige has built up a strong team consisting of those professionals who can be called the pioneers of the Indian direct selling industry. Before star ting a journey, we should be aware of the goal as well as the road that we are going to take. If we are well informed about the goal and the road to it, our journey will not only be smooth, but our confidence level will also remain at the peak. This is the sole reason why Vestige emphasises and insists that after signing up as an independent Vestige distributor, you acquaint yourself well with the Vestige path by studying the Marketing Plan carefully and by understanding the scope of oppor tunities that you can grab on the way ahead. If you do this properly, be assured, your Vestige journey will be quite smooth and successful. l Enrich yourself by sharing the business The four ingredients for achieving success in the Vestige system as an entrepreneur are given below: l Earn by sharing the products If you follow the system religiously and work hard with extreme dedication, you will see your effor ts are compensated with a propor tionate increase in earnings. l Be a regular user of Vestige products l Enrich yourself by enriching others Vestige is captained by those who have played a pivotal role in the direct selling revolution in India. Deepak Sood - Director - An outstanding sales, marketing, and operations professional, and a renowned motivator, Deepak Sood played key roles in various direct selling companies.Through his resilient leadership skills, he is continuously leading Vestige in bringing new practices on board. He is also training thousands of people every year through his specially crafted training programmes to build a team of direct selling professionals. Apar t from these three stalwar ts,Vestige has a team of seasoned professionals bringing decades of rich experience and vibrant work culture from different fields and industries and they are working studiously to propel the growth story of Vestige every day so that the enterprise can also grow without any roadblocks. Vestige was setup with a focus on providing the best platform for the direct selling professionals. Vestige empowers people to achieve success with this finest oppor tunity and wellness through the best quality products, which is a truly rewarding experience. Through this unique combination of visionary management with a diligent workforce, Vestige provides you with an assurance of financial stability, long-term par tnership, and a win-win oppor tunity for your entrepreneurial endeavour. These innovative practices of Vestige are fast becoming benchmarks for the direct selling industry. M A R K E T I N G P L A N

03 Vestige offers very rewarding bonuses for your untiring effor ts in promoting the business. Vestige Marketing Plan is specifically designed with the view of providing an equal business oppor tunity; it is an Accumulative Plan, where you never slide down from your existing level and ascend higher on the ladder of success. 4. Team Building Bonus – 3% 1. Savings on consumption – 10 – 20% 5. Leadership Overriding Bonus – 18% 9. Elite Club Bonus – 2% 8. House Fund – 3% 7. Car Fund – 5% 3. Director Bonus – 15% 6. Travel Fund – 3% 2. Performance Bonus – 5 - 16% As a distributor, you save this amount as the difference between MRP and Distributor Price. Vestige offers a retail profit from 10 to 20% on most of the products. The following example helps explain the saving. In a business month, if you buy Vestige products wor th Rs. 10,000 for self-consumption you save up to Rs. 2000 for yourself Distributor Price + Saving = MRP Distributor 600 5,500 1 2,400 5,499 599 __ 2,399 Performance Bonus 5-16% Performance Bonus (PB) Schedule — 5-16% PERFORMANCE BONUS LEVEL A distributor has to qualify for getting the performance bonuses and is entitled to earn the bonuses according to the level qualified. Vestige offers very rewarding performance bonuses, which are amongst the best in the world of direct selling. To earn this performance bonus, the qualifying level of Point Value (PV) has to be accumulated. MIN MAX ACCUMULATIVE PV 8 16 5 12 % EACH Senior Distributor Assistant Bronze Director Bronze Director M A R K E T I N G P L A N Savings on Consumption 10 - 20% Nine ways to earn income To receive performance bonus for a given business month, distributors must do personal purchase (at distributor price) of the following value in the business month: a) Distributors who earn up to 12% payout - 20 PV If in any case a distributor fails to make personal purchase, the bonus earned in that business month is carried forward and is released in the business month, when distributor makes the required personal purchase. b) Distributors who earn 16% payout - BRONZE SILVER GOLD STAR DIAMOND DIRECTORS - 40 PV / / / / CROWN UNIVERSAL CROWN DIRECTORS - 100 PV / DOUBLE CROWN DIRECTORS - 200 PV DOUBLE UNIVERSAL CROWN DIRECTORS - 300 PV

04 YOU 300 PV 1500 PV 300 PV 1500 PV B A = 2,600 X 12% = 312 X 18 = Rs 5,616 Rs 3,150 is distributed to your downlines and the balance Rs 2,466 is your earning for the business month. Your downline A has PV of 300 Your downline C has PV of 1,000 st Let us assume that in 1 business month of your joining, Your downline B has PV of 1,000 to the levels of their achievement. Your Group is entitled to 12% performance bonus A who is qualified for 5% gets 300 X 5% = 15 X 18 = Rs 270 B who is qualified for 8% gets 1,000 X 8% = 80 X 18 = Rs 1,440 you have sponsored three of your friends as your downline distributors. Your Personal PV 300 Your Group Point Value (GPV) 2,600 Rs 5,616, will be divided among your downlines according C who is qualified for 8% gets 1,000 X 8% = 80 X 18 = Rs 1,440 When a distributor does a GPV of 300 in a single business month before reaching 8% level then he/she is granted a special growth and the level of 8%. If a qualifying distributor has a downline also qualifying for Fast Star t 8%, then the upline distributor has to maintain personal PV of 300 from other lines. FAST START 8% How do you calculate these performance bonuses? The following examples will explain the calculations in PV only. Let us assume that in the second business month you and your downlines have done the following business : Your cumulative GPV 6,200 Your Personal PV 300 Your last business month’s Group Point Value (GPV) 2,600 Your downline C has PV of 1,500 Your downline A has PV of 300 Your downline B has PV of 1,500 You are paid on the Point Value (PV) which you have generated in the current business month, whereas previous business month’s PV is added to determine the levels. Your Group is entitled to 16% performance bonus = 3,600 X 16% = 576 X 18 = Rs 10,368 Your Group Point Value (GPV) 3,600 Rs 10,368 will be divided among your downlines according to the levels of their achievement. Let's see how your downlines earn their bonuses: C YOU 300 PV 300 PV B A C 1000 PV 1000 PV This way your Point Value gets accumulated month after month. In Vestige, everyone can achieve the Bronze Director level and our levels are permanent. Example 1 Example 2 This business month’s PV 1,500 Cumulative PV 2,500 B is now qualified for 12% on this business month’s PV gets 1500 x 12% = 180 Distributor B Last business month’s PV 1,000 180 x 18 = Rs 3,240 C is now qualified for 12% on this business month’s PV gets 1500 x 12% = 180 Rs 6,912 is distributed to your downlines and the balance Rs 3,456 is your earning for the business month. 180 x 18 = Rs 3,240 The above examples are meant for mathematical illustration only. Performance Bonus is only paid when personal targets are met. Last business month’s PV 300 This business month’s PV 300 Distributor A Cumulative PV 600 A is now qualified for 8 % on this business month’s PV gets 300x 8% = 24 24 x 18 = Rs 432 The examples given below are meant for PV:BV ratio of 1:18 and payout in Indian Rupees.The PV:BV ratio may be different in other countries. Bonus Payout in all countries will be calculated based on their respective PV:BV ratio. M A R K E T I N G P L A N This business month’s PV 1,500 Last business month’s PV 1,000 Distributor C Cumulative PV 2,500

05 M A R K E T I N G P L A N 3% of Company’s monthly PV Total TBB points collected = TBB point value Team Building Bonus (TBB) 3% Vestige allocates 3% of the Company's monthly PV as Team Building Bonus (TBB) to Bronze, Silver and Gold Directors*. This is computed by a point sharing system based on the points earned by the qualifiers.TBB point value varies each business month and is computed monthly as per the formula shown :- Director Bonus (DB) 15% Vestige allocates 15% of the Company's monthly PV as Director Bonus (DB). This is computed by a “Point Sharing System” based on the Director Bonus points earned by the qualifiers. DB Point value varies each business month and is computed monthly as per the formula shown below: Total DB points collected 15% of Company’s monthly PV = DB point value *For Silver Directors and Gold Directors, no LOB is required. The bonus amount will be reimbursed monthly. Non-qualified 16% legs will also be considered. Eligibility will be based on monthly level, not permanent level. ***SP denotes Self-Purchase. #Those with permanent levels of Star Directors and above cannot avail TBB. DIRECTOR GROUPS Bronze Director 0 QUALIFYING CONDITIONS QUALIFIED DIRECTOR LEVEL IN % *** SP : 40 PV : 2600 PV # LEVEL 6 5 4 YOU 1 2 3 Silver Director Gold Director 1 2 *** SP : 40 PV : 1800 PV *** SP : 40 PV : 2100 PV 6 6 5 4 3 LEVEL DIRECTOR QUALIFYING YOU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CONDITIONS QUALIFIED DIRECTOR LEVEL IN % QUALIFIED 6 3 8 1 16 2 12 4 0 *** SP 100 PV *** SP 300 PV *** SP 100 PV *** SP 40 PV:1501 PV *** SP 40 PV:1001 PV *** SP 40 PV: 501 PV *** SP 40 PV:1801 PV *** SP 200 PV *** SP 40 PV: 2001 PV 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 Gold Director Double Universal Crown Director Universal Crown Director Star Director Double Crown Director Bronze Director Crown Director Diamond Director Silver Director Fast Start Bronze Director If you achieve 4,500 PV in a single business month, you qualify as a Fast Star t Bronze Director. This entitles you to 16% performance bonus and BDB. You can maintain your Bronze Director Level with 2001 PV like the old plan. For first time Bronze Director level, you have to maintain your level without any 16% leg. LEVEL GROUP QUALIFYING YOU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CONDITIONS QUALIFIED DIRECTOR LEVEL IN % DIRECTORS Universal Crown Director Double Crown Director Double Universal Crown Director *** SP 100 PV *** SP 200 PV *** SP 300 PV 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 6 6 6 QUALIFYING CONDITIONS GPV 2 Lac/Maximum 1 Lac PV counts from 1 Leg GPV 5 Lac/Maximum 2.5 Lac PV counts from 1 Leg GPV 10 Lac/Maximum 5 Lac PV counts from 1 Leg Table 1 Table 2 Alternative

06 18% of Company’s monthly PV Total LOB points collected = LOB Point Value Leadership overriding bonus (LOB) is payable to ^ Silver Directors and above .The LOB calculation will be done as per the realtime monthly level of the distributor. To qualify for LOB all qualifiers must be a Silver Director with 5,625 PV from a single leg with at least one qualified Bronze Director. If your Bronze Director downline does not have a GPV of 5,625 then GPV of qualified/unqualified directors are rolled up till 5,625 GPV is achieved. LOB is also based on point value system and then value of the point is determined according to the formula shown on the right - Leadership Overriding Bonus 18% Pre-requisites The travel fund is to be used for travel trips announced by the company. =TF PointValue Travel Fund is paid out up to five levels and is shown in the table next page. 3% of total Company’s monthly PV Total Travel Fund points collected Vestige provides a Travel Fund (TF) from Silver Director to Double Universal Crown Director level. The TF allocates 3% of company's monthly total PV and is computed by a "Point Sharing System" based on the Travel Fund points earned by the qualifiers. TF value per point will vary each business month and is computed monthly as per the formula shown below : Travel Fund (TF) 3% M A R K E T I N G P L A N The LOB is calculated as per the table shown below ~ 1 2 3 4 6 8 / 6** 12 / 6** 16 / 6** GPV 5,625 GPV 5,625 GPV 5,625 GPV 5,625 GPV 5,625 GPV 5,625 GPV 5,625 GPV 5,625 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 .5 LEVEL GROUPS DIRECTOR SD GD STAR DD QUALIFYING CONDITIONS CD UCD DCD DUCD LEADERSHIP BONUSES IN % Silver Director Gold Director Star Director Diamond Director Crown Director Universal Crown Director Double Crown Director Double Universal Crown Director ^Now Diamond Directors and above, whose downlines are maintaining the same level, will get 1+4 depth LOB. **For 6 Directors Group criteria, please refer to . Director Bonus Char t Table 2 on page 5

07 3 Rs 80,000 per business month is the maximum you can earn in CF. 1 A distributor qualifying for the Car Fund has to purchase a car after getting an approval from the company. 2 The Car Fund may also be used for Business Development after getting approval from the Company. Pre-requisites Benefit Once you have qualified for the Car Fund, you can enjoy the Car Fund continuously till the time you have qualified as a Silver Director. Car Fund (CF) 5% Vestige provides a generous Car Fund (CF) to Star Directors and above. The CF allocates 5% of company's monthly total PV and is computed by a "Point Sharing System" based on the Car Fund points earned by the qualifiers. CF value per point will vary each business month and is computed monthly as per the formula shown below: 5% of total Company’s monthly PV Total CF points collected This is also based upon the Director Bonus qualifications and is paid out according to the same level. = CF Point Value ##Must have PGPV of 2001 PV, this will be excluding business volume of the 16% downlines. M A R K E T I N G P L A N Travel Fund qualification ~ **For 6 Directors Group criteria, please refer to . Director Bonus Char t Table 2 on page 5 LEVEL GROUPS QUALIFYING YOU 1 2 3 4 5 CONDITIONS QUALIFIED DIRECTOR LEVEL IN % DIRECTOR Universal Crown Director Double Universal Crown Director Double Crown Director Gold Director Star Director Crown Director Diamond Director Silver Director *** SP 100 PV *** SP 100 PV *** SP 40 PV : 1501 PV *** SP 40 PV : 501 PV *** SP 300 PV *** SP 200 PV *** SP 40 PV : 1801 PV *** SP 40 PV : 1001 PV 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 6 8 / 6** 12 / 6** 16 / 6** Star Director / Director Diamond (SP 40 PV) *** • To enjoy CF from four th business month onwards • Maintain minimum Star Director status for three consecutive business months • Have three qualified ## Director groups (Bronze Director & above) direct ly or indirectly under him/ her computation Based on points system Director Bonus LEVEL QUALIFICATIONS CF’s POINTS REQUIREMENT FOR CAR FUND PROFIT SHARING Crown Director / Universal Crown Director (SP 100 PV) *** Double Universal Crown Director (SP 300 PV) *** Double Crown Director (SP 200 PV) *** ***SP denotes Self-Purchase.

08 Benefit Once you have qualified for the House Fund, you can enjoy the House Fund continuously till the time you have qualified as a Silver Director. = HF Point Value Pre-requisites 1 The house fund earnings will be released by the Company in the following business month along with the Bonus Cheque. 2 100,000 per business month is the maximum Rs you can earn in HF. House Fund (HF) 3% This is also based upon the Director Bonus qualif ications and is paid out according to the same level. 3% of total Company’s monthly PV Vestige provides a generous House Fund (HF) to Crown Directors and above.The HF allocates 3% of company's total PV and is computed by a "Point Sharing System" based on the House Fund points collected by the respective qualifiers. HF value per point will vary each business month and is computed monthly as per the formula shown below : Total HF points collected Elite Club Bonus (ECB) 2% Total ECB points collected Vestige provides Elite Club Bonus to distributors above the level of Universal Crown Directors. ECB is computed monthly as per the formula shown below : 2% of total Company’s monthly PV = ECB Point Value Rs 20,00,000 per business month is the maximum you can earn in ECB. For ECB, only the monthly level will be considered and not the permanent level. M A R K E T I N G P L A N LEVEL GROUP QUALIFYING YOU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CONDITIONS QUALIFIED DIRECTOR LEVEL IN % DIRECTORS Universal Crown Director Double Crown Director Double Universal Crown Director *** SP 100 PV + 3 LOB legs *** SP 200 PV + 4 LOB legs *** SP 300 PV + 6 LOB legs 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 8 12 16 V E S T I G E P O L I C Y Product Guarantee Vestige (hereinafter called the Company) offer products of international quality to every customer. If the product purchased by the distributors or consumers are of inferior quality or with manufacturing defects, the Company guarantees replacement. However, this guarantee does not extend to damages or contamination due to expiry, negligence or deliberate act. ##Must have PGPV of 2001 PV, this will be excluding business volume of the 16% downlines. LEVEL GROUP QUALIFYING YOU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CONDITIONS QUALIFIED DIRECTOR LEVEL IN % DIRECTORS Universal Crown Director Double Crown Director Double Universal Crown Director *** SP 100 PV + 3 LOB legs *** SP 200 PV + 4 LOB legs *** SP 300 PV + 6 LOB legs 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 6 6 6 QUALIFYING CONDITIONS GPV 2 Lac/Maximum 1 Lac PV counts from 1 Leg GPV 5 Lac/Maximum 2.5 Lac PV counts from 1 Leg GPV 10 Lac/Maximum 5 Lac PV counts from 1 Leg Table 1 Table 2 Alternative • Maintain minimum Crown Director status for three consecutive business months • To enjoy HF from four th business month onwards • Have six qualified Director groups ## (Bronze Director & above) direct ly/ indirectly under him/ her computation Based on points system Director Bonus QUALIFICATIONS HF’s POINTS REQUIREMENT FOR HOUSE FUND PROFIT SHARING LEVEL Crown Director / Crown Director (SP 100 PV) *** Universal Double Universal Crown Director (SP 300 PV) *** Crown Director (SP 200 PV) *** Double ***SP denotes Self-Purchase.

09 If the distributor resigns from his/her distributorship after the expiry of 30 days from the date of purchase of products from Vestige, the amount refunded against the products being returned will be equal to distributor cost of the products being returned, less total bonus paid out by the Company on the original purchase, less GST, less 10% service charge. The Company provides a Buy Back Policy to the distributors who wish to resign from his/her distributorship and return any Vestige products that are in good condition, useable, resaleable, restock-able, unopened, unaltered and must have a shelf life of at least four months. If the distributor resigns within 30 days from the purchase of the products,Vestige shall provide a full refund for the products to the distributor after deducting bonus paid (if any) and reversing the PV on the products (if any). The Buy Back Policy is designed to impose upon the sponsor and the Company – the obligation to ensure that the distributor is buying products wisely. Buy Back Policy PROMOTION, ADVERTISING, SALES AND MARKETING POLICY V E S T I G E P O L I C Y The Company has developed and follows its own policy for promotion, adver tising, sales and marketing of its products. The distributor(s) should implement such policy. Under no circumstances, distributor(s) are allowed to alter or formulate policies. However, distributors are encouraged to provide inputs and suggestions for the Company's consideration. Company does not allow its products to be stored, displayed or sold in wholesale or retail outlets. Each distributor is expected to repor t such instances, whenever it comes to their notice along with a note indicating the person/distributor responsible for and the circumstances behind such instance. Sale and purchase of the Company's products amongst distributors and staff of the Company is not permissible. Upon detection of such instances, strict action shall be taken against the persons involved. Sale of products at price(s) and in packages other than the one determined and implemented by the Company is strictly prohibited. Acts of sale of products at price(s) other than the prescribed price for competing with other distributors or otherwise shall be seriously viewed; in such cases Company may terminate distributorship of the person(s) found responsible for such act and forfeit their bonus entitlement/arrears. Distributors are not allowed to carry out their own promotions unless they have written approval from the Company for the same. The Company designs, prints, publishes and circulates product information, plan and vision related literature for marketing and sales of its products. Distributors are not allowed to deviate there from. Under special circumstances, the Company may allow distributor(s) to create customised literature and/or advertisement. However, for this purpose, interested distributor(s) shall have to submit a detailed plan in advance to the Company for its approval. Unless written approval is given by the Company, none can digress from the form and content of the Company's literature/policy for promotion, marketing and sales. On expiry or termination of distributorship, the distributor shall remove and discontinue the use of all Company signs, logo and/or any other representations and shall not use any name, signs, label, stationery, product name, copyrights, designs and/or any printed material related to any of the Company's products. If the above condition is violated, the Company in its discretion may take legal recourse against the errant distributors. The distributor shall provide the following details to the consumer upon sale of products by the distributor (a) the name of the purchaser and seller ; (c) procedures for returning the goods; and (d) warranty of the goods and exchange/replacement of goods in case of defect. In case the distributor is selling or offering for sale products on an e-commerce platform/marketplace, the distributor must take prior written consent from the Company in order to under take such activities. (b) the delivery date of goods or services; Product Return Policy In case of any dissatisfaction, manufacturing or packaging defect, customers/distributors can return/exchange the product. The customers/distributors must contact the distributor/Company from whom they had purchased the same, within 30 days from the date of purchase.They have to give a reason and return the said products along with the original customer order receipt copy/invoice. In such cases, it is the distributor's obligation to satisfy the customer’s need for money refund or replacements of products. • Product Return Form Documents Required The distributor can then return these products, with original Invoice to the Company. The Company will replace these products free of cost or if the distributor does not want the same products, the Company will give a cash voucher (zero PV) of the same amount, which can be used by the distributor within 30 days for purchasing products of their choice. • Copy of Invoice • Reason for return • Products to be returned

Though in general course of business all distributors are expected to repor t to their Upline and guide their Downline as per mutual convenience and situational demands, all distributors are required to repor t 'extra ordinary situations' directly to the Company and seek guidance. distributorship business of the auction purchaser. Funds realised through aforesaid auction may be distributed amongst distributors considered as eligible for incentives as per the Company's guidelines as may be in vogue at the relevant point of time. In case the Company doesn't get any buyer for the network linked with any vacant distributorship, an administrator will be appointed to conduct business of the network and to supervise the network efficiently. Only after the Company is satisfied about smooth management and growth of such network and related business, it may distribute such network amongst leaders who are at the same/higher level than the level of the distributor whose network was being administered, or in a manner which the Company feels will be in the best interest of the Business.The Company's decision with regard to this policy will be final. Our corporate identity and stationery is fundamental to the way we communicate. It is the way we present ourselves to the customers. These are our vital assets, reflecting our brand image, unifying all our operations and providing a recognisable endorsement of quality. Our identity and stationery provides us with consistency and recognisability. But we must have the discipline to ensure that our corporate identity standards are maintained. It is about ensuring the future reputation of our Company and it is a job that comes down to all of us. You shall not provide literature and/or training material not restricted to collateral We have prepared a stationery template for you.This template is designed to help you endorse the Vestige brand. It is recommended that a unifying corporate identity and visiting card be used for all your business transactions.You must ensure that the font, typesize, colours, spaces and other details are consistent with Vestige's standard. Our identity and visiting card standards are outlined below — issued by us, to a prospective and/or existing distributors, which has not been approved by us. PANTONE (solid coated) : 293 C 8.6 X 2.3 X X Distributor Full Name Designation INDEPENDENT VESTIGE DISTRIBUTOR Vestige Marketing Pvt. Ltd. Local Address of Distributor Local Address of Distributor p +91 XX XXXX XXXX f +91 XX XXXX XXXX m +91 XXXXX XXXXX e w PANTONE (solid coated) : 362C 80C | 0M | 100Y |10K Stroke thickness (blue & green)= .75 pt 100C | 70M | 0Y |10K 0C | 0M | 0Y | 100K Typeface of Logotype : Frutiger Lt Std Black PANTONE : Pantone Black C CARD DIMENSION : 87mm(WIDTH) 52mm(HEIGHT) x Font : Gill Sans Std Bold | Type Size : 7.5 Font : Gill Sans Std Light | Type Size : 7.5 Font : Gill Sans Std Regular | Type Size : 7.5 Font : Gill Sans Std Light | Type Size : 5.75 Font : Gill Sans Std Light | Type Size : 7.5 Font : Gill Sans Std Regular | Type Size : 8.5 C O R P O R A T E C O M M U N I C A T I O N 7mm 7mm 7mm V E S T I G E P O L I C Y Reporting Policy In cases of vacancy in distributorship caused due to death (with no heir/nominee), and in cases of resignation, termination, cancellation, inactive distributorship, unclaimed distributorship of Diamonds and above as the case may be, the Company shall auction the network linked with such vacancy amongst existing Diamond Directors or higher levels and the highest bidder will get such network.The network so purchased will remain in its existing position in the line of sponsorship and shall be known as/made second authorised Reward / reconciliation / vacancy policy 10

Distributors are required to observe the Vestige Code of Ethics at all times.The Company reserves the right to terminate distributorship at any time for any violation. Upon enrollment, distributors are expected to pledge the following : 1. That 1 will follow the highest standards of honesty and integrity in the Vestige Business. 2. I will present the Company's marketing plan accurately and honestly, clearly por traying the level of effor t required for achieving success. I shall not use misleading, false, deceptive, and/or unfair recruiting practices, including misrepresentation of actual or potential sales or earnings and advantages of the business to any prospective distributor, during interaction with them. 3. I will not make negative or disparaging remarks about the Company, its products, officers, employees or other people and products. I will be respectful to the Company as well as the direct selling business. 4. I will not sell the products of Vestige through retail outlets. 5. I will not instigate, encourage, indulge and/or guide downlines for bonus rebate/refund of commission. The Company reserves the right to amend its Policies, Rules and Regulations without issuing prior notice or clarification.You are expected to visit the Company's website from time to time and keep yourself abreast with updated policies, rules and regulations. The following Rules & Regulations of Vestige Marketing Pvt. Ltd. (the Company) are formulated and implemented for safeguarding rights and dignity of the distributors while regulating conduct of business. In order to mould yourself as a responsible and ethical distributor of Vestige, you must understand and abide by the Policies/Rules and Regulations of the Company; any violation of the same can result in termination of your distributorship. 9. I will not resor t to any fraudulent act in promoting the Company's business at the expense of the Company and fellow distributors. I will not encourage distributors recruited by me to purchase goods/services/ literature or sales demonstration equipment in unreasonably large amounts. 6. I will not use the Company's trade name(s), information, literature, adver tising material, and gathering of people or other resources including Intellectual Proper ty to introduce and promote interests of any entity other than the Company. 7. I will strive to ensure that my customers and fellow distributors are satisfied with the Company's products and my services. 8. I will abide by the Vestige distributor's Rules and Regulations at all times. 11. I shall not use misleading, deceptive, and/or unfair trade practices. 12. I shall take appropriate steps to ensure the protection of private information provided to me by the consumers. 10. During distributorship and thereafter, I will not do anything that may adversely affect the Company, its reputation and business interests. f. In case of dissolution/winding up/insolvency of the entity, bonus entitlement / arrears, if any shall be released to the successor entity upon submission of proof acceptable to the Company. Claim(s) in this respect shall not be enter tained after 90 days from the incident of dissolution/winding up or declaration of insolvency. f. Son or unmarried daughter of a distributor can join the Business with their independent ID if the line of sponsorship is under their Similarly any Family^^ ID. of the family members can join under their son/unmarried daughter. B. Legal entities (such as HUF, par tnership firms, LLP, Company, Society and Trust). e. Company will communicate only with a person/official duly authorised by the entity under written intimation to the Company in advance. d. No change in constitution of the entity (including its par tners /shareholding/ constitution/members/trustees et Al.) shall be enter tained by the Company. A. Individuals b. The Company has absolute discretion to decide whether to accept or reject an application. c. Distributor of the Company is not an agent, representative or employee. The relationship is on principal to principal basis. d. All applications must be sponsored by an existing distributor. e. Wife and husband constitute a single unit for the purposes. a. In such cases, registration shall be in the name of the legal entity. b. A copy of the constitution, deed, ar ticles of the association along with cer tificate of institution/incorporation, as may be applicable for the entity and PAN card should be submitted along with the application form. In cases of HUF, copy of PAN card would suffice. a. Individuals aged 18 years and above, or as per their respective State's legally- mandated age, can apply to be a distributor of the Company. c. Liability and entitlement of such entity is as per law of the land. Bonus payment would be made by the Company in the name of the entity. 1 Eligibility to Become a Distributor b. On receipt of monthly payout distributors should check accuracy of computation. Any queries in this respect should be made within 14 days from the date of issuance of payout by the Company. In the absence of such queries the figures mentioned in the statement shall be final and binding. a. Bonus for all distributors is computed once in a calendar month, and commensurate with the business done in the relevant business month. Pay outs will be issued by the Company to the registered distributors as per Company’s policy. c. It is mandatory for the distributors to provide their address and bank details. They must also send to us information as per Company Guidelines if there is any change in their address/bank details/mobile no/email id. d. In order to receive Bonus, the distributor must mandatorily provide his/her Bank Details toVestige. In case the distributor fails to provide the Bank Details,Vestige reserves the right to withhold the bonus amount. 2 Bonus Payment 3 Procedures for Dealing with Instances of Violation d. If the Company is convinced that the only way to restore normalcy is to suspend or terminate distributorship, it shall convey its decision by writing a letter to the distributor concerned.The letter shall be posted through Registered mail/ Courier to the last known address of the distributor as listed in Company's database and the post mark shall be taken as proof of receipt.The Company reserves the right to take necessary action against the terminated distributor including seeking compensation, recovery, damages and legal costs incurred, if any. However, the Company reserves the right to amend or modify any par t of the above decision if and when such a need is felt by the Company. a. A complaint has to be lodged immediately upon knowing about violation of any Policies/Rules and Regulations of the Company. The complaint must be given in writing by giving details of the alleged violation, also he/she must inform his/her upline about the complaint. c. In case of inadequate information, the Company may request for more details from either par ty. The Company provides guidance and advice to deal with situations involving breaches and violation of its policies and these rules and regulations. The Company shall also take appropriate action against the distributor(s) involved. In the event of any violation, the following procedure needs to be observed: b. Upon receiving the complaint, the Company shall immediately notify the distributor involved, requesting a swift response by way of a chance to explain his/her case. Company may in appropriate cases institute such action suo motu. C O D E O F E T H I C S P O L I C I E S / R U L E S + R E G U L A T I O N S 11

CODE OF ETHICS P O L I C I E S / R U L E S + R E G U L A T I O N S 12 4 Renewal of Distributorship 3. The limitation period of claiming any amount due to the distributor by Vestige shall be three years. No claims after a period of three years from the due date shall be enter tained by Vestige. 2. In the above cases the distributor will be required to put for th his/her claims within one month of the date of the above happenings, thereafter no claim will be enter tained. The claims will be settled as per Company's Policy. 1. The Company does not charge any renewal fee. Distributorship is discontinued if the distributor resigns and if the resignation is accepted by the Company.The distributorship is terminated by the Company if the distributor does not conduct any Business with the Company for more than two years or for any violations of Company policies. a. Signing up an existing distributor from another group. No Cross Sponsoring of distributorship shall be allowed. “Cross Sponsoring" in this context means: b. Signing up the wife when the husband is already a distributor or vice versa. c. Signing up under another sponsor to operate his/her new distributorship when his/her previous distributorship is still valid. d. Allowing other people or relative to use his/her distributorship to do business. e. If son or unmarried daughter joins the business with their own ID but their line of sponsorship is not under their Family^^ ID, then such a case will be treated as cross sponsoring and the ID taken by son/unmarried daughter will be terminated. Same will apply for any of the family members not joining under their son/ unmarried daughter's line of sponsorship. In the event of Cross Sponsoring or in the event of a distributor using a second or multiple IDs, the following procedure shall be followed: 8 Labeling, Packaging and Pricing The product description, labeling, pricing and packaging done/determined by the Company is final and sacrosanct. No alteration is permissible in these. Distributor(s) are not authorised to relabel, repack, and alter description or sale products loose or in a form not originally caused by the Company or at a price not fixed by the Company. Allegations against distributor(s) for contravening this rule shall be investigated and appropriate action will be taken. 7 Representations Made by Distributors 9 Cross Sponsoring/Multiple IDs b. Distributor(s) must know and convey that earnings come only through hard work, commitment and consistent effor ts. a. Distributor(s) shall not exaggerate or misrepresent benefits associated with the Company and the Company's products and services. c. Distributor(s) shall not make claims other than what is mentioned in the Company's plans and literature about products, quality and earnings. Company has the unconditioned rights to take any and all actions including seeking damages for distributor's action/inaction inviting and causing illrepute / loss to the Company for misdeclaration or misrepresentation. Irrespective of the level attained, if a distributor does not place any order in preceding twenty four months or more, since the DAF was entered or since the last purchase by the distributor, then the Company reserves the right to take a decision (including termination) regarding the distributorship of the said distributor. If the distributor does not place any order with the Company for the preceding nine months, the distributor will be termed as an “Inactive distributor”. After completion of inactive period the distributor can join under any of the distributors, and can take a fresh ID. The distributor has to place order (with PV, excluding orders on Vestige Best Deals) within 35 days of joining. If the order is not placed then it will result in distributor's application not being accepted by the Company and the ID will be rendered invalid. 10 Place Order 6 Submission of Distributor Application Form The Company shall be free to decide the appropriate penalty in all cases of Cross Sponsoring/Multiple IDs and its decision in this regard shall be final. (v) After resignation/termination the network will go to his/her direct upline, subject to Renewal/Reconciliation/vacancy Policy of the Company. (ii) In the event any distributor is found doing activity in any network including but not limited to promoting the network of a blood relative/relative/acquaintance or Company/firm/entity/enterprise (whose beneficiary is any of the listed above), at any Vestige event/office/DLCP, on social media or any other location, during the cooling off period (within six months of resigning –termed as inactivity rule or period), the related ID will be treated as a second ID and the same will be terminated and the network under the ID/IDs will move up to the next higher id. (I) If an active distributor is found promoting a network in another line of Sponsorship including but not limited to promoting the network of a blood relative/relative/acquaintance or Company/firm/entity/enterprise (whose beneficiary is any of the listed above), at any Vestige event/office/DLCP, on social media or any other location, then the Company will take appropriate action against that distributor. Once the other ID/IDs for which the distributor has been doing activities/promotion is identified, the ID/IDs for whom the distributor is doing activities/promotion will be terminated and the network under the ID/IDs will move up to the next higher id. (iv) The Company will take strict action for Cross Sponsoring as per the above rules. In addition the Distributor who was involved in Cross Sponsoring will be severely warned and fined/suspended for such activities. If the Distributor does not stop such activities the Company will terminate the distributorship and also withhold the Bonus payment of any distributor who is found continually doing Cross Sponsoring of any other existing Distributors. In addition if the distributor is running any DLCP/MINI DLCP/DCC, the same will also be closed down by the Company. In case the Management finds out that the registration of a distributorship/ second ID was done through unethical means, or without the distributor's consent/knowledge, or by submitting illegible/invalid documents, then the Company will terminate the ID/IDs, which the management may deem fit and the network of such terminated ID/IDs will move up to the next higher distributor. In addition, the distributor who initiated the above mentioned activities will be subjected to disciplinary action by the Company that may result in the Company suspending/terminating/withholding bonus payments of the distributor and/or imposing a fine on the distributor. (iii) Appearance in any form of meetings offline or at any digital platform, etc., within the cooling off period of resigning, will render the resignation of the distributor in question nullified due to violation of the inactivity rule.The distributor's “cooling off ” period will be recounted from the date of the second ID's termination. (vi) If the Company receives a complaint within twelve months of Cross Sponsoring, and after investigation it is found that the complaint is valid, then the Company will terminate the second/later ID/IDs of the distributor and the network developed under the second/later ID/IDs will be shifted under the first ID or can remain under the terminated ID as per the decision of the management. (vii) However, in a situation, when the complaint against a distributor regarding Cross Sponsoring is filed within twelve months, but the ID/IDs are not identified within the same period, then the complainant must submit the details of such ID/IDs within three months of filing the complaint.The Company will take action as per above clause (vi) after getting the details of other ID/IDs. (viii) If the complaint is received after more than twelve months of a distributor taking other ID/IDs, the same will not be enter tained. On receipt of such complaint, the Company will terminate one of the IDs of the distributor, which ever the company may deem fit, and the network will remain with the active ID. (ix) If any distributor is found taking different IDs, the Company will take strict action against the distributor which can also lead to the termination of all the IDs, as and when they are discovered. 5 KYC A person/entity who completes the KYC (Aadhar Card, Driving License,Voter ID Card, Passpor t, Ration Card, or any other identity document(s) issued by any State Government or the Central Government, which can be verified) formalities and fills the Distributor Application + Agreement Form (the “Applicant”) shall be assigned an Applicant Number. The Applicant Number shall be valid for 35 days and the Applicant shall be confirmed as a distributor pursuant to it carrying out atleast one transaction within 35 days from the date of submission of the Distributor Application + Agreement Form. a. In case a prospect fills the hard copy of Distributor Application Form (DAF), he/she shall be entitled to commence business and build a network only upon completion of KnowYour Customer (”KYC”) and physical submission of Distributor Application Form (DAF) at any of the Company's Centres and only after an order has been placed. Subject to ComplianceWith Clause 5; b. In case the prospect fills the DAF online and sends the scanned copy of signed DAF along with KYC documents to the Company, the distributor can commence Business with the Company only after an order has been placed.. However, if the distributor does not submit the copy of DAF with signatures (to be verified with Passpor t/Driving License/PAN) within 35 days of joining online, the distributor’s ID will become invalid. 11 Inactive Distributor

CODE OF ETHICS 13 Marriage b. In situations where two independent existing distributors marry each other, upon marriage both of them are deemed to have surrendered their distributorship.The distributors who are married to each other, shall separately intimate to the Company about their marriage within 30 days from the date of their marriage. Subject to conditions of other sub-clauses of this clause one amongst them ought to resign within 30 days from the date of marriage, failing which distributorship of both distributors shall be cancelled. Original downline structure of the distributor who resigns for reasons of marriage in terms of this sub-clause shall remain unchanged. However, to maintain relationship with the Company and to conduct Vestige business, the Couple may form a 'par tnership firm' in lines of the model 'deed of par tnership' prescribed by the Company for the purposes of common distributorship, and submit the same under cover of a joint application seeking distributorship for such 'par tnership firm' within 30 days of their marriage.This par tnership will replace the distributorship of the distributor who does not resign and the Structure will remain unchanged. c. Upon marriage amongst two existing distributors and they being given ‘par tnership’ (irrespective of their cadre / level), they shall have a joint bank account and inform such par ticulars to the Company within 60 days from the date of marriage.The Company upon receipt of such intimation shall credit payouts / bonus earned by the ‘par tnership’ in such account. If the account is not opened, no Bonus will be paid out by the Company and the Par tnership firm will have no lien on the Bonus earned for the period. However, this sub-rule will not be made applicable for distributor couples who are both Star Directors and Car Fund Achievers unless of course they want such an arrangement. a. The Company treats wife and husband as one single unit for the purposes of distributorship. d. If both distributors are Star Directors and Car Fund Achievers, then their individual distributorships may separately be retained at P O L I C I E S / R U L E S + R E G U L A T I O N S b. In case a distributor resigns for cer tain unforeseen circumstances, subject to Company's satisfaction, he/she may transfer the distributorship to his/her blood relative only (proper proof and documentation required). d. Distributorship may be cancelled/terminated, declared unclaimed or suspended by the Company for the reasons mentioned in the Company's Policies/Rules and Regulations. c. Distributorship in ordinary circumstances expires upon death or proven incapacity of the distributor. However, nominee of the deceased upon evincing interest to succeed distributorship may be allowed by the Company. In cases where the nominee does not come forward till 3 months from the date of death or incapacitation of the original distributor as the case may be, successor of the deceased upon submitting appropriate documentation and evincing interest to succeed distributorship may be allowed by the Company. However, under no circumstances such distributorship will be enter tained after 6 months from the date of death or knowledge of incapacitation of the distributor either from nominee or successor. However new id if taken under must be in the same line Family^^ of Sponsorship. If any distributor takes a fresh ID after an inactivity period of nine months, then the first ID will be treated as invalid. 12 Expiry/Cancellation/Resignation/ Succession of Distributorship a. Any distributor may resign from distributorship by submitting an application and required documents. Acknowledgement of receipt of such communication constitutes resignation. A person who resigns or whose distributorship is cancelled/terminated may reapply for distributorship only after a lapse of a period of 6 months (cooling period) from the date of resignation/cancellation/ termination of his/her last distributorship. The fresh distributorship may be granted by the Company after reviewing the application. In such cases the person cannot have any claim whatsoever over the downline(s)/business he/she had prior to reapplication of the distributorship. 14 Separation In case of divorce amongst couples having distributorship through 'par tnership firms' formed as aforesaid, benefits of distributorship and the distributorship itself shall be appor tioned or transferred as the case may be in terms of the 'deed of par tnership'. Such changes in distributorship of the 'par tnership firm' shall be caused by the Company only on completion of 90 days after receipt of the 'decree of divorce' granted by a competent cour t.The distributorship of the par tnership firm of the couple shall be put under suspension with effect from the date of commencement of divorce proceedings between the couple and during pendency of divorce proceedings, the Company in its discretion, may as a special arrangement, allow (without insisting upon lapse cooling period) both par ties do Vestige business separately as freshly appointed distributors. After the judgment of the cour t, the suspension of the spouse in whose name the cour t has approved for distributorship to be continued, can continue as a distributor, and the par tnership will stand dissolved. In case the judgment is silent on the issue, the distributorship under par tnership will stand terminated. In cases where a married couple is distributor and co-distributor and any of them files a petition for divorce, the Company shall only consider the distributor as its principal distributor and no rights shall accrue to the co-distributor except when a decision is taken on the issue of succession of distributorship by an appropriate cour t (whether interim or final). However, this shall be subject to a final decision by the Company. e. Incase such couple does not form any ‘par tnership firm’ within 30 days from their date of marriage or either of them does not inform factum of their marriage to the Company, the Company reserves the right to cause appropriate changes in their downline/network and merge their business(s) of two distributorships into one with conditions as may be deemed appropriate to the Company and/or cancel distributorship of one or both as per its discretion. original status. However, one amongst the two may resign from distributorship / Star Directorship and the couple may apply for a single distributorship through "par tnership" (comprising both of them as par tners).This par tnership will replace the distributorship of the distributor who does not resign and the Structure will remain unchanged. In such cases, original downline structure of the distributor who resigns for reasons of marriage in terms of this sub-clause shall remain unchanged. Even in this case both of them shall separately intimate the Company about their marriage within 30 days from the date of their marriage. b. Any waiver by the Company can and shall only be affected in writing by authorised personnel of the Company. c.The Company reserves all rights to take all decisions which it feels are necessary to protect the best interests of its distributors, customers and its business including decisions concerning implementation of this Business Plan.The Company's decision in this regard shall be final. a. The failure of the Company to exercise any rights stated in the Company Rules and Regulations or in the Distributor Application Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of the Company's rights to demand exact compliance therewith. Waiver 15 a. Incur any liabilities or Debt in the name or on behalf of the Company. A distributor shall not b. Enter into, modify or alter any contract in the name of the Company. c. Engage itself or show interest directly/indirectly as agent, servant or licensee for sale of any product/goods other than those of the Company, in any trade, business or profession in competition with the Company. Prohibited Act 16 Glossary of terms PV : Point Value – every product ordered is assigned fixed PV. PV accumulated by self and group determines the achievement level. GPV : PGPV : Personal Group Point Value is the business of your entire group and does not include the business of your qualified director groups. ^^Family : Grand parents/parents/self CPV : Cumulative Point Value is the business accumulated by your group. SP : Self Purchase – purchase on self ID in any given month. Exclusive PV : Self purchase + 5% to 12% legs' PV in any given business month. TPV : Total Point Value – it consists of your PGPV + GPV. Group Point Value is the business generated by your qualified director groups.