My Success Plan_July 2024

Providing you with a wellcrafted platform to achieve success and build up your enterprise by spreadingWellth. T E A M V E S T I G E 02 Kanwar Bir Singh - Director - Powered by a rich experience in managing IT solutions for the direct selling industry for years, Kanwar Bir Singh is instrumental in integrating tailored information technology solutions with the complex business processes and bringing for th great transformations through digital empowerment. Gautam Bali - Managing Director - After playing key roles in various direct selling companies as CEO and advisor for decades, Mr Bali laid the foundation stone of Vestige, which he is successfully leading as a helmsman with his unmatched domain exper tise and business acumen. Under his visionary leadership, Vestige is growing at a phenomenal rate every year and has become one of the top direct selling companies of India. Vestige, which was awarded as the “Most Admired Brands & Leaders – Asia”, is steered by these magnificent and visionary business leaders of the direct selling industry. With a firm focus on our mission to become a leading direct selling organisation that empowers our distributors to live a better quality life infused with wellness and prosperity, Vestige has built up a strong team consisting of those professionals who can be called the pioneers of the Indian direct selling industry. Before star ting a journey, we should be aware of the goal as well as the road that we are going to take. If we are well informed about the goal and the road to it, our journey will not only be smooth, but our confidence level will also remain at the peak. This is the sole reason why Vestige emphasises and insists that after signing up as an independent Vestige distributor, you acquaint yourself well with the Vestige path by studying the Marketing Plan carefully and by understanding the scope of oppor tunities that you can grab on the way ahead. If you do this properly, be assured, your Vestige journey will be quite smooth and successful. l Enrich yourself by sharing the business The four ingredients for achieving success in the Vestige system as an entrepreneur are given below: l Earn by sharing the products If you follow the system religiously and work hard with extreme dedication, you will see your effor ts are compensated with a propor tionate increase in earnings. l Be a regular user of Vestige products l Enrich yourself by enriching others Vestige is captained by those who have played a pivotal role in the direct selling revolution in India. Deepak Sood - Director - An outstanding sales, marketing, and operations professional, and a renowned motivator, Deepak Sood played key roles in various direct selling companies.Through his resilient leadership skills, he is continuously leading Vestige in bringing new practices on board. He is also training thousands of people every year through his specially crafted training programmes to build a team of direct selling professionals. Apar t from these three stalwar ts,Vestige has a team of seasoned professionals bringing decades of rich experience and vibrant work culture from different fields and industries and they are working studiously to propel the growth story of Vestige every day so that the enterprise can also grow without any roadblocks. Vestige was setup with a focus on providing the best platform for the direct selling professionals. Vestige empowers people to achieve success with this finest oppor tunity and wellness through the best quality products, which is a truly rewarding experience. Through this unique combination of visionary management with a diligent workforce, Vestige provides you with an assurance of financial stability, long-term par tnership, and a win-win oppor tunity for your entrepreneurial endeavour. These innovative practices of Vestige are fast becoming benchmarks for the direct selling industry. M A R K E T I N G P L A N