My Success Plan_July 2024

04 YOU 300 PV 1500 PV 300 PV 1500 PV B A = 2,600 X 12% = 312 X 18 = Rs 5,616 Rs 3,150 is distributed to your downlines and the balance Rs 2,466 is your earning for the business month. Your downline A has PV of 300 Your downline C has PV of 1,000 st Let us assume that in 1 business month of your joining, Your downline B has PV of 1,000 to the levels of their achievement. Your Group is entitled to 12% performance bonus A who is qualified for 5% gets 300 X 5% = 15 X 18 = Rs 270 B who is qualified for 8% gets 1,000 X 8% = 80 X 18 = Rs 1,440 you have sponsored three of your friends as your downline distributors. Your Personal PV 300 Your Group Point Value (GPV) 2,600 Rs 5,616, will be divided among your downlines according C who is qualified for 8% gets 1,000 X 8% = 80 X 18 = Rs 1,440 When a distributor does a GPV of 300 in a single business month before reaching 8% level then he/she is granted a special growth and the level of 8%. If a qualifying distributor has a downline also qualifying for Fast Star t 8%, then the upline distributor has to maintain personal PV of 300 from other lines. FAST START 8% How do you calculate these performance bonuses? The following examples will explain the calculations in PV only. Let us assume that in the second business month you and your downlines have done the following business : Your cumulative GPV 6,200 Your Personal PV 300 Your last business month’s Group Point Value (GPV) 2,600 Your downline C has PV of 1,500 Your downline A has PV of 300 Your downline B has PV of 1,500 You are paid on the Point Value (PV) which you have generated in the current business month, whereas previous business month’s PV is added to determine the levels. Your Group is entitled to 16% performance bonus = 3,600 X 16% = 576 X 18 = Rs 10,368 Your Group Point Value (GPV) 3,600 Rs 10,368 will be divided among your downlines according to the levels of their achievement. Let's see how your downlines earn their bonuses: C YOU 300 PV 300 PV B A C 1000 PV 1000 PV This way your Point Value gets accumulated month after month. In Vestige, everyone can achieve the Bronze Director level and our levels are permanent. Example 1 Example 2 This business month’s PV 1,500 Cumulative PV 2,500 B is now qualified for 12% on this business month’s PV gets 1500 x 12% = 180 Distributor B Last business month’s PV 1,000 180 x 18 = Rs 3,240 C is now qualified for 12% on this business month’s PV gets 1500 x 12% = 180 Rs 6,912 is distributed to your downlines and the balance Rs 3,456 is your earning for the business month. 180 x 18 = Rs 3,240 The above examples are meant for mathematical illustration only. Performance Bonus is only paid when personal targets are met. Last business month’s PV 300 This business month’s PV 300 Distributor A Cumulative PV 600 A is now qualified for 8 % on this business month’s PV gets 300x 8% = 24 24 x 18 = Rs 432 The examples given below are meant for PV:BV ratio of 1:18 and payout in Indian Rupees.The PV:BV ratio may be different in other countries. Bonus Payout in all countries will be calculated based on their respective PV:BV ratio. M A R K E T I N G P L A N This business month’s PV 1,500 Last business month’s PV 1,000 Distributor C Cumulative PV 2,500