My Success Plan_July 2024

07 3 Rs 80,000 per business month is the maximum you can earn in CF. 1 A distributor qualifying for the Car Fund has to purchase a car after getting an approval from the company. 2 The Car Fund may also be used for Business Development after getting approval from the Company. Pre-requisites Benefit Once you have qualified for the Car Fund, you can enjoy the Car Fund continuously till the time you have qualified as a Silver Director. Car Fund (CF) 5% Vestige provides a generous Car Fund (CF) to Star Directors and above. The CF allocates 5% of company's monthly total PV and is computed by a "Point Sharing System" based on the Car Fund points earned by the qualifiers. CF value per point will vary each business month and is computed monthly as per the formula shown below: 5% of total Company’s monthly PV Total CF points collected This is also based upon the Director Bonus qualifications and is paid out according to the same level. = CF Point Value ##Must have PGPV of 2001 PV, this will be excluding business volume of the 16% downlines. M A R K E T I N G P L A N Travel Fund qualification ~ **For 6 Directors Group criteria, please refer to . Director Bonus Char t Table 2 on page 5 LEVEL GROUPS QUALIFYING YOU 1 2 3 4 5 CONDITIONS QUALIFIED DIRECTOR LEVEL IN % DIRECTOR Universal Crown Director Double Universal Crown Director Double Crown Director Gold Director Star Director Crown Director Diamond Director Silver Director *** SP 100 PV *** SP 100 PV *** SP 40 PV : 1501 PV *** SP 40 PV : 501 PV *** SP 300 PV *** SP 200 PV *** SP 40 PV : 1801 PV *** SP 40 PV : 1001 PV 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 6 8 / 6** 12 / 6** 16 / 6** Star Director / Director Diamond (SP 40 PV) *** • To enjoy CF from four th business month onwards • Maintain minimum Star Director status for three consecutive business months • Have three qualified ## Director groups (Bronze Director & above) direct ly or indirectly under him/ her computation Based on points system Director Bonus LEVEL QUALIFICATIONS CF’s POINTS REQUIREMENT FOR CAR FUND PROFIT SHARING Crown Director / Universal Crown Director (SP 100 PV) *** Double Universal Crown Director (SP 300 PV) *** Double Crown Director (SP 200 PV) *** ***SP denotes Self-Purchase.