VOICE Issue 47

UNIVERSAL CROWN DIRECTOR 33 NEW ACHIEVERS, MARCH 2024 - APRIL 2024 June 2024, Voice Issue 47 Success in Vestige business was quick, though it takes hard work and persistence in achieving success. The support from my team members, upline and Vestige management helped me to reach this level of success. I think with proper planning and hard work anyone can achieve success in Vestige. I extend my heartfelt wishes to the entire Vestige family. I had 15 years of experience in direct selling and a strong desire to achieve big dreams. I joined Vestige in Nov 2021 and I achieve Vietnam foreign tour. Vestige is a great platform for everyone to make their dreams come true. The company has opened endless opportunities for us to create wellth. I have never seen any Indian company like Vestige that can provide all support system and help to succeed in life. I always had big dreams for my life and Vestige gave me a platform to realise my dreams. VEDWATI YADAV ASHISH KR MAJUMDAR UTTARAKHAND CHHATTISGARH