VOICE Issue 47

UNIVERSAL CROWN DIRECTOR 43 NEW ACHIEVERS, MARCH 2024 - APRIL 2024 June 2024, Voice Issue 47 Vestige is an ocean of opportunities and I was looking for the right opportunity to realise my dreams. With the help of the seasoned management of Vestige and extensive support of my team, I started earning good amount of money every month just after joining Vestige. The company has enabled me to become financially independent and successful. I believe in the future I will be able to touch towering heights of success. Wish you all Wellth. I always had big dreams for my life. I was looking for a business that could provide me with a comfortable income and a good life style. I turned to other direct-selling companies but could not achieve much success. When I got to know of Vestige, I started the business without further ado. Vestige is the only direct-selling companies that has a great combination of world class products, great marketing plan and strong management. I thank Vestige for bringing Wellth in my life. ZONUNSANGI DEEPA SINGH MIZORAM UTTAR PRADESH