VOICE Issue 47

UNIVERSAL CROWN DIRECTOR 44 NEW ACHIEVERS, MARCH 2024 - APRIL 2024 Voice Issue 47, June 2024 I started Vestige business as a secondary source of business. However, after I found the significance of this business, I realised the full potential of the Vestige business. Vestige became my career and it changed my life. My dreams are turning into reality with the Vestige platform. I got success in Vestige by simply following the system. I became a Vestige distributor after I found the lucrative business plan. I was literally captivated by the excellent performance of the Vestige products. The more I shared the products with others the more people reaped benefit of wellness from the products and it boosted my own financial condition as well as social status. I believe there is no better business than Vestige. Vestige ranks on top because of its amazing marketing plan, good pay-outs and visionary management. Thank you, Vestige, for everything that you’ve added in my life. YOGITA BISHT PITHANI ANANTHA LAKSHMI UTTARAKHAND ANDHRA PRADESH