VOICE Issue 47

DIAMOND DIRECTOR 69 NEW ACHIEVERS, MARCH 2024 - APRIL 2024 June 2024, Voice Issue 47 joined Vestige as a distributor and reached the level of a Diamond Director in a short period of time. The company has the right combination of excellent quality products, unique business plan and great education system. Now, I can see a bright future ahead of me. I would like to thank my uplines, my team members and Vestige family for helping me lead a successful life. MORIGADI BALAMALLESHAM I am proud to achieve this level of success in a short span of less than a year, after joining Vestige as a distributor. I believe that the Vestige business model is the only model where people can achieve success in life along with a good health. I strongly believe that Vestige gives you a chance to live your dreams and achieve success in life. I thank Vestige management for giving us such a remarkable business opportunity. D SHIVA KUMAR I came to know about Vestige through my respected upline. I joined Vestige and achieved tremendous success here. Now, I am a Diamond Director and extremely successful in my life. I would like to thank Vestige for helping me reach this level and making me successful in life. I think anyone can achieve success in Vestige by just following the system. AJMERI SULTANA Vestige has transformed me to become an extraordinary person. I always had big dreams for my life and after exploring the Vestige business plan, I realised the great earning potential they held and started working with the company. I have achieved immense success in a short span of time. I have committed myself to soon reach the highest level in Vestige. Wish you wellth! GIRISH CHANDRA DABRAL I had my flourishing practice but never the freedom to travel and interact with people. Vestige gave me the wings to fly high and achive what I dreamt of. I always got success due to my strong belief in myself and good working habits. But phenomenal success was still evading me. In Vestige, where I love the support system, I have been more successful and I know this is just the beginning. Supporting your downlines is the only way you can build a large organisation and a large organisation means big income. OGGU RAJU I feel lucky to be a part of Vestige, which is the best in the Indian Direct Selling industry. Vestige has a great management, right products and a good marketing plan that never lets one fail. Earlier, I have committed myself to soon reach the highest level in Vestige and with the guidance of my leaders and the help of my downlines, I made it possible this time. MEGHAVATH RAVI Before becoming a Vestige distributor, I was not satisfied with my career growth. Then Vestige came along and I was impressed with its successful track record and the performance of its distributors. I thought of giving direct selling a last try with Vestige. I earn a comfortable income now and feel that this is the best company I have ever associated with. I want to thank the Vestige family for providing me such a wonderful opportunity. AMARJIT I was sceptical regarding the potential of this industry until I was introduced to the Vestige business by my upline. A small step forward took my life towards a very new direction and I achieved success and recognition that I always dreamt about. Success is guaranteed if you earnestly follow the system. Wish you wellth! SHITAL NILESH PATEL Luck is not what makes someone successful and others unsuccessful but it’s the zeal to achieve success overcoming all difficulties that makes one successful. Vestige is the right platform for everyone interested in entrepreneurship and in building their own destiny block by block. The combination of a robust marketing plan, world class products, and a visionary management team is what makes Vestige a sure shot winning formula for everyone. KOTA MAHESH It was Vestige where I found the right path to achieve success and fame through the best industry in the world-direct selling. The Vestige marketing plan never lets you fail; here in Vestige you never go down but always rise higher on the ladder of success. I thank Vestige for all my success. KARTIKA KULU There was a time when I was unable to meet my daily expenses and realising my dreams were more distant than the dreams themselves, which forced me into finding a platform that can enable me to live a life of economic independence with social prestige. Then I came across Vestige, which brought a drastic change to my life and then onwards I never had to look back. I thank each and every member of the Vestige family including my uplines and downlines for their immense support that enabled me to achieve this level of success. NOOR HOSSAIN Vestige provides a very unique opportunity to everyone looking forward to make a career in the direct selling industry. Here in Vestige we have seen people with no prior experience in direct selling, people who don’t have any network, and people who are soft spoken transformed into icons of success. Thanks to Vestige and my network’s support, I’ve achieved this level of success in Vestige. Wish You Wellth! M. PITCHAI Before I became Vestige distributor I was running my own business. It was good but more competition to overcome need more investment. In that situation I took Vestige's opportunity and after getting impressed by the Vestige' system I started working with it. I would like to thank my upline, downlines and the Vestige management for all the support. Wish You Wellth! NAGARAJAN I have tried to change my life through other career options but never found the desired results. When I was introduced to the Vestige opportunity by my upline, I was completely overwhelmed and I was convinced that this is the path to unlimited success. Now I am capable of bringing positive changes to the lives of other people as well. Wish you wellth! VINOD SHARMA L