VOICE Issue 47

DIAMOND DIRECTOR 70 NEW ACHIEVERS, MARCH 2024 - APRIL 2024 Voice Issue 47, June 2024 Vestige offers ordinary people the chance to become extraordinary and helps them to bring great changes in their lives through a very strong and reliable platform. If you are looking for that one opportunity to change your life and build a strong career then the Vestige platform is the ideal one for you. My advice to everyone is to have patience and work diligently to duplicate the system, success will then follow you. Wish you wellth! FABINAUS TIRKEY I had lot of dreams in my life but as I belonged to a middleclass family I always felt one thing that I can’t earn money and happiness both at the same time. After I started my Vestige journey, I achieved financial independence without compromising on the time factor. Today, I thank Vestige for giving me financial & time freedom. I feel extremely proud to be a small part of an awesome family of Vestige. I would also like to thank my upline, my downlines, my family, and the management of Vestige for always standing by me. HEGUANGSAMYILE ZANME Vestige products are simply amazing! I couldn’t believe myself when I got extraordinary results after using them for sometime. My confidence on the products and my positive mindset brought me to Vestige and then onwards my life became an inspiring story for others as well. Today, I have achieved this level of success only by following the system religiously and working honestly. I am sure if everyone puts their best efforts to build their business they can certainly achieve immense success in Vestige and they will certainly ascend to higher levels of achievements. Wish You Wellth! SHRAWAN KUMAR SHARMA I started my journey with Vestige with many dreams and now I am happy to announce that I am achieving them, which is making me happy. Here in Vestige you get the excellent products, the best guidance and support system, and a very growth-oriented marketing plan. I am sure that armed with these, I’ll achieve higher levels of success in the coming days and will also change the lives of my downlines. Wish You Wellth! BASINENI SIVA RANI All you need in life is a very strong determination to achieve success and a platform like Vestige that can help you pursue your goals. I believed that direct selling career is suitable for only those who want to become economically independent. The secret to winning in the Vestige business is the faith on the products, which comes with extensive usage. VIKASH KUMAR I have seen many players in the direct selling industry, whose promises were large and delivery was small, then Vestige came to change the equation. Despite having a dynamic and unique marketing plan Vestige didn’t showed me rosy pictures, but educated and trained me and my team members through a great education system that enabled us to achieve our success by sincerely duplicating the system. I have never seen such a distributor-friendly company like Vestige. I wish everyone Wellth and success! MADICHETTI SATHANARAYANA I had the zeal to do something and the attitude of never giving up that according to me makes one successful and today working with Vestige I have become very successful. The world-class effective and affordable products, an excellent education system, and great support from the management and my own uplines and downlines made me successful. ELVIS TISSO Before becoming a part of the Vestige family, I didn’t had any idea about how such big changes can happen in the lives of ordinary people. Vestige showed me that no one should limit their dreams but rather work extensively to realise those dreams and the excellent business plan along with the education system helped me to realise my dreams one after another. It’s not that only my life changed with Vestige but through me a lot of other people also found the joy of Wellth. This makes me happy and I hope in the coming days I’ll be able to touch more lives and hearts. MANGALAMPALLY HARIKRISHNA Vestige has changed my life completely. I was tired of struggling in life and had a hard time making ends meet. I was looking for a way to earn a living and that was when my upline introduced me to Vestige. I wasted no time in joining as an independent distributor and I was prepared to work myself to the bone and take full advantage of this opportunity. I have now achieved this level of success and it is all thanks to my hard work and the encouragement I have received from my team members. I will continue working hard and reach the highest level of success in Vestige. REKHA MAHESHWARI Being a successful entrepreneur in the Vestige business makes me extremely proud. I cannot stop thanking the visionary Vestige management, my uplines, my downlines, and the entire Vestige family for their great contributions towards my success. I am sure that reaching this level of success will empower me to chase greater goals and realise them in the near future. I wish you all Welllth. YASINBASHA SHAIK Success holds different meaning for everyone. For me success meant a satisfactory life with a peaceful mind and freedom to do things at my own comfort level and Vestige gave me both of this. This platform gave me a regular monthly income with an independence to do things on my own. I am satified with my life and with Vestige business completely beacause here i got more than i have asked for. I want to thank the management of Vestige for everything. SANTHOSHA DENDE Many thanks to my respected upline for always being ready to give me advice. I am very proud of my team for their constant dedication and their drive; there is no way I could have reached this level of success without their help. I especially thank the management team for their incredible products and the equally brilliant marketing plan. If one follows the plan diligently and duplicates it, their success is only a matter of time. BALJINDER SINGH Being associated With Vestige helped my life changed 360 degree and I’ve achieved a lot of success and the same can be your story as well. Let’s together change more lives by spreading the gift of Wellth among people and make the world a better and happy place. Thank you Vestige and all my downlines and upline for the strong support. BASANGARI SUJATHA After spending years in Direct Selling our life changed when our upline introduced the Vestige opportunity to us. This platform is an amazing and unique one. We were impressed by the effective and affordable products of Vestige. We achieved immense success in Vestige we are thankful to the Vestige management, up-lines, and down-lines for their support. DOGILI SRINU