VOICE Issue 47

DIAMOND DIRECTOR 71 NEW ACHIEVERS, MARCH 2024 - APRIL 2024 June 2024, Voice Issue 47 Vestige has helped me to achieve my goals and become a successful person. This is the best platform for someone to achieve success in life due to a very unique marketing plan and an excellent support system. To achieve success in Vestige you just have to follow and duplicate the system with dedication and honesty. There is no alternative to Vestige in terms of economic independence and career growth. Thank you, Vestige, for changing my life and making me what I am today. LALIT KUMAR JAGAT There cannot be a better career opportunity that enables one and many to live a life of economic independence like Vestige does. This is the simple reason why people should take up the Vestige opportunity if they want to make a positive change in their own lives and also in the lives of others. Vestige has brought a great change in my life, boosted my confidence, and enabled me to reach this height of success by following the system religiously. I am sure if you can diligently work and follow the system in Vestige, you’ll also be able to achieve immense success here. KULDEEP SINGH To realise my dreams I got involved with various business ventures, including direct selling, however, I wasn’t quite satisfied with the results. After becoming a Vestige distributor, my life experienced a rapid change. The success that I have achieved today is a result of the combination of great products and support of my upline and downlines. I am proud to be a part of the Vestige family. VISHAL KALITA A well paid job, a happy and healthy family, along with financial security, is something people like us always look forward in our life. I found that a normal job was quite inadequate to fulfil my dreams. I joined Vestige as an independent distributor when I found the products very inspiring and the marketing plan very amazing. Within a short period of time I have achieved the level of success, which others would not have imagined. I am now chasing new goals and dreams, and I am sure they will not be far from me for long. MOHAN SINGH I was glad to accept the Vestige opportunity and enter in the direct-selling industry. I never came across any company like Vestige that not only gave me hope to continue my career in this industry but also to motivate others to be part of this unique programme. Today, I am touching the hearts and spreading Wellth among many. I am thankful to all my uplines, my downlines, and our always-accessible and most visionary Vestige management. I wish you all Wellth! SUDESHWAR SAMAT I am happy being associated with Vestige because it provides exceptional opportunity to grow and become successful. Vestige has a wide range of products and lucrative marketing plan. I have comprehended the policy properly and work hard to become where I am now. I am thakful to all for the support. Wish you wellth! SANTY JAN I have been in the direct-selling industry for a long period of time. Initially I could not manage to achieve anything in this industry. Then I became a Vestige distributor and found this opportunity and its business plan the most unique in the entire industry. It never allows a distributor to fail, which means my team members and I can only move up the ladder of success without falling down. Vestige truly is the leader of the direct selling industry and I want to be its part when it becomes the global leader. RAMESH NAIK DUMAVATHU I thank Vestige for enhancing my inner confidence and helping me to gain self-reliance and prestige. I owe everything to Vestige, as it has completely changed my life. I am a successful person and I have gained health, wealth and respect in society. I have decided to dedicate my whole life to the cause of spreading Wellth and changing lives. Wish You Wellth! HYMAVATHI ELAGONDA I have worked with many other companies but was unable to achieve success due to shortcomings in the business plan. When I joined Vestige it was like a miracle in my life. I have now achieved financial freedom and good health by using its products. Vestige also allows one to contribute to the society and makes it a better place to live. I would like to thank my upline, downlines and the management of the company for my success. ORUGANTI LAHARI I used Vestige products and received good results. This motivated me to join the business and work with dedication. Now, I am proud to say that I have achieved this level of success by duplicating the system with efficacy and honesty. The impressive marketing plan and high-quality yet affordable products are the winning formulae for success. I wish to thank my uplines and downlines for their constant support. GAINI MAHESH I had severe health issues and I used the Vestige health supplements for some time and experienced tremendous improvement in my health. This motivated me to grab the opportunity to make Vestige my career by sharing the product with others. By spreading wellness and Wellth with the guidance of my uplines and with the extensive support of my GOPIRAJA P I always wanted to do something different in my life and Vestige became the perfect platform that provided me an opportunity to chase my dreams and helped me to become successful in life. My success can be credited to the strong and visionary management of Vestige, the high-quality affordable products that it manufactures, the impressive marketing plan and the robust education system. I would like to thank my uplines and downlines for their support and encouragement. VIJAY KUMAR Vestige is a jackpot for those who wants to become economically independent. It has a wide range of products, best business plan and different ways of income. Joining Vestige was the best decision that I have took and today I am very happy being associated with Vestige. Thank you Vestige for all the support. Also I am thankful to my upline and downlines. Wish you Wellth! MUDAVATH JAYARAM NAIK Before becoming a part of the Vestige family I faced a lot of hardships and strong challenges in my career and my income was insufficient to fulfil my needs and desires. God showered upon me his blessings and showed the path to live a life with dignity and economic independence and that very path is the path of Vestige. We sincerely thank Vestige for providing us this unique opportunity that transformed our lives. RANJIT KAUR