Though in general course of business all distributors are expected to repor t to their Upline and guide their Downline as per mutual convenience and situational demands, all distributors are required to repor t 'extra ordinary situations' directly to the Company and seek guidance. distributorship business of the auction purchaser. Funds realised through aforesaid auction may be distributed amongst distributors considered as eligible for incentives as per the Company's guidelines as may be in vogue at the relevant point of time. In case the Company doesn't get any buyer for the network linked with any vacant distributorship, an administrator will be appointed to conduct business of the network and to supervise the network efficiently. Only after the Company is satisfied about smooth management and growth of such network and related business, it may distribute such network amongst leaders who are at the same/higher level than the level of the distributor whose Network was being administered, or in a manner which the Company feels will be in the best interest of the Business.The Company's decision with regard to this policy will be final. Our corporate identity and stationery is fundamental to the way we communicate. It is the way we present ourselves to the customers. These are our vital assets, reflecting our brand image, unifying all our operations and providing a recognisable endorsement of quality. Our identity and stationery provides us with consistency and recognisability. But we must have the discipline to ensure that our corporate identity standards are maintained. It is about ensuring the future reputation of our Company and it is a job that comes down to all of us. We have prepared a stationery template for you.This template is designed to help you endorse our brand. It is recommended that a unifying corporate identity and visiting card be used for all your business transactions.You must ensure that the font, typesize, colours, spaces and other details are consistent with our standard. issued by us, to a prospective and / or existing distributors, which has not been approved by us. Our identity and visiting card standards are outlined below — You shall not provide literature and/or training material not restricted to collateral PANTONE (solid coated) : 293 C 8.6 X 2.3 X X Distributor Full Name Designation INDEPENDENT VMPL* DISTRIBUTOR VMPL General Trading LLC Local Address of Distributor Local Address of Distributor p +968 XX XXXX XX f +968 XX XXXX XX m +968 XX XXXX XX e w PANTONE (solid coated) : 362C 80C | 0M | 100Y |10K Stroke thickness (blue & green)= .75 pt 100C | 70M | 0Y |10K 0C | 0M | 0Y | 100K Typeface of Logotype : Frutiger Lt Std Black PANTONE : Pantone Black C CARD DIMENSION : 52mm(HEIGHT) x 87mm(WIDTH) Font : Gill Sans Std Bold | Type Size : 7.5 Font : Gill Sans Std Light | Type Size : 7.5 Font : Gill Sans Std Regular | Type Size : 7.5 Font : Gill Sans Std Light | Type Size : 5.75 Font : Gill Sans Std Light | Type Size : 7.5 Font : Gill Sans Std Regular | Type Size : 8.5 C O R P O R A T E C O M M U N I C A T I O N 7mm 7mm 7mm V M P L * P O L I C Y Reporting Policy In cases of vacancy in distributorship caused due to death (with no heir/nominee), and in cases of resignation, termination, cancellation, inactive distributorship, unclaimed distributorship of Diamonds and above as the case may be, the Company shall auction the network linked with such vacancy amongst existing Diamond Directors or higher levels and the highest bidder will get such network.The network so purchased will remain in its existing position in the line of sponsorship and shall be known as/made second authorised Reward / reconciliation / vacancy policy 10